NRIN Annual Symposium 2022

On 23rd September 2022, the Netherlands Research Integrity Network (NRIN) organised a symposium focussing on how different stakeholders, such as institutes, funders and journals, can foster responsible research practices.

Below you may find the recording of all symposium sessions.

Endsymposium National Survey on Research Integrity 2022

On 5th July 2022, NRIN co-organised the endsymposium of the National Survey on Research Integrity. The project, funded by ZonMw’s Fostering Responsible Research Practices Programme, was designed as a tool to estimate the prevalence of research misbehaviours, research misconduct and responsible research practices, as well as potential explanatory factors and their associations with these behaviours across disciplines and academic ranks. The project aimed to better inform research performing organizations and other stakeholders within the research system, such as research funding organisations, of research integrity topics that require particular attention, facilitating evidence-based change in research integrity initiatives and policies.

For more info, visit

NRIN Annual Symposium 2021

On 14th December 2021 NRIN organised it’s annual symposium, focussing on Research Integrity in Education.

Below you may find the recordings of the symposium sessions.

NRIN Annual Symposium 2020

On 3rd December 2020, NRIN organised its annual symposium, focussing on Research on Research Integriy.

Below you may find the recordings of the symposium sessions.