Educational Developers

The meetings of the Educational Developers on Research Integrity and Responsible Scientific Practices occur two/three times a year (online). These meetings aim to connect those at Dutch Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences responsible for developing and/or providing educational training on these topics to discuss curriculum vision, assessment methods, best practices, new tools, challenges and educational needs on specific topics.

Dr. Giulia Inguaggiato (Amsterdam UMC) chairs these meetings and members are invited to propose the topics they wish to see addressed during the meeting and/or present a recent training tool they have developed and would like to share with the group.


Key information

  • The meetings of the Educational Developers group are open to educators and those responsible for designing and/or facilitating training in research integrity, research ethics or responsible research conduct;
  • Educators from Dutch Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences are welcome to attend these meetings;
  • Please contact us if you wish to attend the meetings of the Educational Developers group;
  • These meetings take place 3/4 times and year;
  • Online meetings;
  • The meetings are held in English.