The NRIN Masterclass aims to advance the knowledge on Responsible Conduct of Research, by inviting experts in the field to present their latest research findings.
The NRIN Masterclass will engage the Dutch community in an interactive dialogue, allowing mutual learning, exchange and critical reflections on the topics presented.
The NRIN Masterclass will consist of onsite sessions, with the recording of the lecturer later included on the NRIN Masterclass page.
Would you like to share your latest research on the topic above? Would you like to present on the NRIN Masterclass? Feel free to email us at! We would be delighted to organise a session together!
Key Information
There is no fixed periodicity for the NRIN Masterclass. The dates for each lecturer will be decided with the invited experts.
Onsite (each masterclass will be recorded and later added to the page)
Various on Research Integrity / Ethics, Open Science and Responsible Conduct of Research.
Experts in the field of good scientific practices.
Students (including bachelor and master students), early career researchers (including PhD candidates and junior researchers), senior career researchers and academics, policy makers and anyone with an interest in the topics presented. Both in the Netherlands and internationally.
Facilitating Research Culture change: tools, removing barriers, incentives, and norming (Dr. Tim Errigton, Center for Open Science)
VU Amsterdam – Aurora room
13th January 2025, 12:00 – 13:00 CET
More to be announced!
Facilitating Research Culture change: tools, removing barriers, incentives, and norming
Research can be improved to increase efficiency in the accumulation of knowledge. This requires changes to the present culture, and a number of open science practices, such as preregistration, open data and making preprints, have been proposed to help enable this change. Requiring change though is not sufficient. A strategy to enable change is required, both to start the adoption of practices and to scale and sustain those practices. This talk will present examples of implementing culture change through focused strategies and through a more decentralized approach.
This NRIN Masterclass is part of the joint NRIN & NLRN Research Symposium – Capacity Building for Open Science. More information can be found here.
Tim Errington is the Senior Director of Research at the Center for Open Science (COS) that aims to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research. In that position he conducts and collaborates with researchers and stakeholders across scientific disciplines and organizations on metascience projects aimed to understand the current research process and evaluate initiatives designed to increase reproducibility and openness of scientific research. These include large scale reproducibility projects such as the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology and the DARPA supported Systematizing Confidence in Open Research and Evidence (SCORE), and evaluation projects of new initiatives such as open science badges, Registered Reports, and a novel responsible conduct of research training.
Errington received his PhD in Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology from the University of Virginia, MA in Molecular and Cell Biology at University of California Berkeley, and earned a BS in Biology and Chemistry at St. Lawrence University.