Mission & Activities


Since the establishment of the Netherlands Research Integrity Network (NRIN) in 2014, the overarching mission has been to raise awareness, provide relevant information, and be an open platform for promoting and exchanging good practices in research integrity and responsible conduct in research.

NRIN engages academics, researchers, students and all those interested in fostering and promoting responsible research practices at individual, institutional and societal levels.

NRIN focuses on the whole range of research integrity that runs from cases of research misconduct to questionable research practices. As a network, NRIN is committed to collaborating with the Dutch and international scientific communities in the prevention, detection and deterring of malpractices in research.


NRIN organises multiple open and closed meetings every year to bring together a group of stakeholders interested in research integrity and responsible research practices. The open meetings regularly depart from an educational or research-related perspective, focusing on explanatory factors or prevention on the level of the individual researcher, the local research culture and science as a whole. The open meetings offer an opportunity for the Dutch and international communities to share knowledge, best practices and needs in research integrity and responsible conduct in research. Examples of open meetings include informal interactive webinars, onsite masterclass and research day events and the annual symposia. These meetings take place in English and are open to graduate students, researchers, academics, policymakers and all those interested in research integrity and responsible research practices.

On the other hand, closed meetings are solely for Confidential Advisors for Research Integrity (WI VP meeting) and the chairs and secretaries of Research Integrity Committees (CWI meetings), as these often involve discussions of sensitive issues and anonymised cases. NRIN also organises closed meetings with research integrity policy advisors (WI Policy Staff meetings) and meetings with educational developers on research integrity training (Educational developers meetings). These meetings are for the Dutch-mentioned stakeholders only and take place in English or Dutch.

Open Meetings

NRIN Happy Hour (webinars)

The NRIN Happy Hour offers free monthly webinars on topics related to Research Integrity, Research Ethics and Responsible Conduct in Research. The webinars aim to offer a space for the mutual exchange of learning and promote informal discussions on issues related to good scientific practices. The webinars are open to anyone interested in these topics!

The webinars are recorded and later made available in the NRIN webpage and Youtube channel.


Learn more about the NRIN Happy Hour webinars here!

  • Online
  • Monthly
  • English

NRIN Masterclass

The NRIN Masterclass take place onsite in different Dutch Universities and host invited speakers to discuss topics that are relevant to the Dutch and international scientific communities. The dynamic of these meetings is flexible (e.g. a lecture on a particular topic followed by a focus group discussions/workshop). These meetings offer an opportunity for attendees to gain insights and discuss relevant topics in research integrity, research ethics and responsible research practices.

These meetings are recorded and later made available in the NRIN webpage and Youtube channel.

Learn more about the NRIN Masterclass here!

  • Onsite
  • 3x year
  • English

NRIN Research Symposium

The NRIN Research Symposium departs from a particular topic within the field of Research Integrity, Research Ethics and Open Science to include invited specialists from the Dutch and international scientific communities to present their latest research insights into the topic.

The NRIN Research Symposium creates a space for sharing knowledge and debate on the developments, challenges and needs within the particular topic area, while facilitating sharing of vision and networking among participants.

The Research Symposium presentations are recorded and later shared in the NRIN webpage and YouTube channel.


Learn more about the NRIN Research Symposium here!

  • Onsite
  • 3x year
  • English

NRIN Annual Symposium

The NRIN Annual Symposium is a one-day onsite event that gathers experts from the Dutch and international scientific communities to discuss topics related to the symposium’s main theme. The symposium outlines the state-of-the-art and innovative research on the main theme, and foster debate and critical reflections on the challenges and needs in the field. The discussions held during the symposium often fuel new avenues for research collaboration among the different stakeholders.

The NRIN Annual Symposium includes presentations from invited keynote speakers and plenary session speakers, who have developed outstanding work related to the main theme. Additionally, a panel discussion takes place at the end of the symposium to promote interactive sharing of visions and ‘food for thought’ among the audience.

The NRIN Annual Symposim presentations are recorded and later shared in the NRIN webpage and YouTube channel.

Learn more about the NRIN Annual Symposium here!

  • Onsite
  • Annual
  • English

Closed Meetings


Twice a year, NRIN promotes onsite meetings with the chairs and secretaries of Research Integrity Committees (CWI) from Dutch Universities. These meetings offer an opportunity to discuss practices, approaches and the challenges encountered when dealing with cases of research misconduct and questionable research practices.

The CWI meetings are only open to the chairs and secretaries of CWI from Dutch Universities. The meetings are held in Dutch.

Further information about the NRIN CWI meetings can be found here: link

Chair of the NRIN CWI meetings

Dr. Yvonne Erkens (Leiden University)


The meetings with the Confidential Advisors for Research Integrity (WI VP) from Dutch Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences aim to discuss practices, challenges and cases among confidential counsellors.

The VP meetings take place onsite twice a year and are only open to Confidential Advisors for Research Integrity from Dutch Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences. The meetings are held in Dutch.

Further information about the NRIN VP meetings can be found here: link

Chair of the NRIN VP meetings

NRIN Policy Staff

The meetings of Policy Staff for Research Integrity from Dutch Universities take place informally (i.e. no periodicity) to exchange knowledge and discuss best practices, approaches and development needs related to policies on research integrity and good scientific practices. These meetings are only open to Policy Staff for Research Integrity from Dutch Universities. The meetings are held in Dutch.

Further information about the NRIN Policy Staff meetings can be found here: link

Chairs of the NRIN Policy Staff meetings

NRIN Educational Developers

The meetings of the Educational Developers on Research Integrity and Responsible Scientific Practices occur two/three times a year (online). These meetings aim to connect those at Dutch Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences responsible for developing and/or providing educational training on these topics to discuss curriculum vision, assessment methods, best practices, new tools, challenges and educational needs on specific topics. The meetings are held in English.

Further information about the NRIN Educational Developers meetings can be found here: link

Chair of the NRIN Educational Developers meetings