Executive Board

Mariëtte van den Hoven is Professor of Medical Philosophy and Ethics at the AmsterdamUMC and Head of the Ethics, Law and Humanities Department. She leads a consortium on scientific integrity, in particular aimed at developing training on integrity, and has set up a PHD program within Utrecht University for the entire university and works on various topics regarding scientific integrity. As a side job, she is also active at the Center for Organizational Integrity (COI).

Rita Santos joined NRIN as a coordinator in 2023. In the past, she was a junior researcher in the H2020 INTEGRITY project. Her main tasks involved developing teaching modules on research integrity and responsible conduct in research for high school students. In 2022, Rita worked as Executive Director and Project Manager at the European Network for Academic Integrity. Her main tasks involved organising the networks’ events and activities and supporting the members. Rita was the coordinator of one project output of the Erasmus+ FAITH(Facing Academic Integrity Threats) project about raising awareness for victims of misconduct in academia and research. She coordinated the Victim Support Portal under this project. Rita also led ENAI’s involvement in the Erasmus+ ETHICS (Responsible Conduct of Research – Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian Universities) project.

In November 2023, Joshua Gualtieri was appointed as Project Assistant for NRIN. His main tasks involve managing the NRIN webpage and social media. Joshua works as project assistant and researcher for the Embassy of Good Science and is involved in some EU funded projects (e.g. IRECS and CATALISI). Joshua holds a Humanities Research Master, with a specialisation in Philosophy.

Advisory Board

Lex Bouter has a tenured chair in Methodology and Integrity at the Department of Epidemiology and Data Science of the Amsterdam University Medical Centers and the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities of the Vrije Universiteit. He is currently involved research and teaching on research integrity topics. He was professor of Epidemiology since 1992 and served his university as its rector between 2006 and 2013. Professor Bouter has supervised 76 PhD students, of whom to date 17 were appointed as professor. He is the founding chair of the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation.

Dr. Blom has a biomedical background with a focus on epidemiology, communication and policy making. After defending her thesis on periconceptional folic acid supplementation, she coordinated NRIN. Fenneke continued working in the field of research integrity as postdoc on the INSPIRE project and the VIRT2UE project, in which she develops online training and trains trainers to train virtue-based ethics and integrity training. At the HAN University of Applied Sciences she now works as a senior researcher on the TETRIAS project, designing tailored training for researchers in UASs. Fenneke is an experienced moral case deliberation moderator and has (re)designed the Research Integrity courses and training materials for various institutions.

Ton Hol is Emeritus Professor Encyclopedia of Law and Philosophy of Law at Utrecht University. From 2003 to 2021, he was chairman of the Scientific Integrity Committee at this university. Additionally, he was chairman of the Scientific Integrity Committee of Tilburg University and was one of the authors of the Dutch Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity of 2018. He is interim-chair of the Scientific Integrity Committee of the University of Amsterdam. He chaired the Policy Group Research Integrity of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). Furthermore, Ton is still active as a judge.

Frits Rosendaal is professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Chair of the department at Leiden University Medical Center. His research is mainly in cardiovascular disease, notably blood coagulation. He is co-chair of the Committee on Scientific Integrity of Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center, member of the LERU Policy Group on Scientific Integrity and member of Council of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as well as member of the Central Committee on Research involving Human Subjects (CCMO).

Evert van Leeuwen (1954) is emeritus professor in Medical Ethics. He studied philosophy and worked from 1982 in ethics and philosophy of medicine at the VU in Amsterdam. In 2007 he went to the Radboud University in Nijmegen. At the VU he organized, in the early nineties of the last century, courses in ethics and philosophy of science in which scientific integrity and publication strategy played a role. In Nijmegen he organized with his colleague Van der Wilt a course in scientific integrity, with special attention to the interactions between senior and junior scientists. At present he is chair of the national research program on pluripotent stem cells (Psider) as well of two foundations in psychiatry and psychiatry and philosophy. He is also serving in ethics advisory boards and moderator on a EU level in several programs.

Anthonie Meijers is emeritus professor in philosophy and ethics of technology at Eindhoven University of Technology, where he worked for 20 years. He has a double background in philosophy and engineering and has been active in scientific integrity for many years. At Eindhoven he has been the chair of the complaint committee on scientific integrity, the confidential officer for scientific integrity, as well as the chair of the board on scientific integrity advising the executive board on policy issues. He strongly believes that scientific integrity is not just an individual responsibility, but also a responsibility of (research) institutions to create the right research culture. At present he is the confidential officer for scientific integrity at the Dutch Research Council (NWO).