NRIN Research Day on 'Ethics & Integrity Education in development: moving towards evidence-based education' 2023

The fields of integrity education and (medical) ethics education are developing rapidly. Integrity education is a relatively new field on the European continent, yet evidence of the effects and impact of these trainings has already been widely researched. The results are still unsatisfying, as we actually have little knowledge of what guarantees effective research integrity education.
For this research day, we discussed educational research on both types of education and training as the overlap is obvious: integrity education is often taught by professional ethics trainers, integrity training aims to help interpret research values like honesty and transparency, and research ethics in many ethics courses often overlap with integrity courses. The research day offered a sneak preview of developments in researching research integrity trainings and (medical) ethics courses.

Below you may find the recording of all research day sessions.

Summer Seminar on Research Integrity 2021

From 25th – 27th August 2021, NRIN and the Abraham Kuyper Center (AKC) organised an interactive Summer Seminar on Research Integrity.

The aim of this seminar was to think together about the future directions of research integrity: what initiatives, policies and guidelines have been developed recently in order to strengthen responsible conduct of research? What are the state-of-the-art suggestions to help researchers, institutions, funders and journals in their contribution and responsibility to foster responsible research practices?

Below you may find the recording of all seminar sessions.