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Symposium 'Ethics & integrity education in development: moving towards evidence-based education' & Inaugural lecture Mariëtte van den Hoven ‘Hear, See and Speak up’

On October 27th, 2022, NRIN organizes a symposium with a focus on evidence-based education in ethics and integrity education.

The fields of integrity education and (medical) ethics education is developing rapidly. Integrity education is a relatively new field on the European continent, yet evidence on the effects and impact of these trainings is already widely researched. The results are still unsatisfying, as we actually have little knowledge on what guarantees effective research integrity education. In European contexts, and in Amsterdam in the Netherlands in particular, a group of scholars is involved in research on RI training. (Medical) ethics education as part of professional education has been implemented since decades, yet the desire to showcase best practices and to conduct research on the moral competences of professionals is recently also increasing. In the Netherlands, few scholars do research on the effectiveness or impact of ethics education, which is surprising.
For this symposium, we discuss educational research on both types of education and training as the overlap is obvious: integrity education is often taught by professional ethics trainers, integrity trainings aim to help interpret research values like honesty and transparency and research ethics in many ethics courses often overlaps with integrity courses (like the topic research on human subjects). The symposium offers a sneak preview of developments in researching research integrity trainings and (medical) ethics courses. How can Scholarship of Teaching in Learning (SOTL) be helpful to undertake systematic inquiries about student learning, how is impact of integrity courses currently being measured and what are new developments? What is the status quo of research on (medical) ethics courses in the Netherlands and how can we interpret trends towards a more evidence-based approach of education in this field?

Following, Mariëtte van den Hoven, professor Philosophy of medicine and ethics at the AmsterdamUMC, will give her Inaugural lecture titled ‘Hear, See and Speak up’. In her speech, Mariëtte van den Hoven will explain why empowerment is an important and strong feature for educational tools in RCR education, such as integrity courses and training in (medical) ethics.

How to get on location:

The symposium takes place in the NU-building (Boelelaan 1111), Theatre Hall 5 (second floor via stairways or lift). Lunch will be served in the Lobby Campus Square and is only 50m away from the Theatre Hall. 
The inaugural speech takes place in the Aula of the Main Building of de Vrije Universiteit (Boelelaan 1105). Inside the building there are hosts to guide you the way to the Aula.

Route descriptions for car and public transport can be found here. Parkinglot P3 is next to the venue and the recommended choice (for all options see here)                  

Register for both events through the link below. 

Registration form symposium and inaugural lecture

2022 10 16 17 05 51 file

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